
Pet Stain & Odor Removal

Pet Carpet Cleaning: Stain and Odor Removal

We all love our pets, but we don’t love pet stains on our carpet. It’s unpleasant and unsanitary, and it’s embarrassing when you have guests. You don’t have to live with pet stains and odors in the Arlington area.

Pets are attracted to the smell of ammonia in their urine. The smell tells them to urinate in the same spot, so it’s important to remove the odor as quickly as possible. Otherwise, the pet will continue to urinate in the same area. Over time, the ammonia and nitrogen in the urine will destroy the carpet fiber, the backing, and even the floor beneath.

Why Stains Are Difficult to Remove

Our pet stain removal service will remove urine stains and odors, as well as vomit and fecal matter from carpet. Sometime pet owners try to clean up pet feces and vomit from their carpets but they inadvertently end up grinding the dirt into the carpet fiber.

This is unhealthful and unsanitary at best, and it lessens the joy and pride you take in your New York home—not to mention the love you have for your pet. Pet odor removal can’t be accomplished with sprays available at pet stores and retail establishments. They mask the odor so you can’t smell it–but your pet still can. In addition, you can’t be sure how your carpet will react to the ingredients in a retail product. You could end up damaging the carpet or causing the color to bleed.

Our pet stain removal process ensures that your carpets are clean and odor free.

After applying the organic solvent, we use hot water under pressure to clean and rinse your carpets. We deodorize and sanitize the carpets so you and your family are protected from germs and bacteria. When every trace of pet stain and odor is gone, we use powerful vacuums to remove all the water. Your carpet dries quickly, minimizing any disruption to your life style. We can even apply a Scotch Guard coating to protect against future stains.

Our pet odor removal service outperforms any commercially available product. At the completion of our carpet stain removal process, your carpets will look and smell fresh, so you can go back to loving your pet and the carpet in your Arlington home.

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